The cost of an inground swimming pool and info by state

Having an inground swimming pool can be a very different experience based on your place of residence. Of all the factors that define the cost of an inground swimming pool, geography is probably the most important. Building costs vary from place to place, as well as the license costs, charges, and any security installations required by local legislation. Moreover, the amount of chemicals you use per month may vary depending on the climate.

In addition, your place of residence also plays an important role in your decision on whether to purchase an inground swimming pool at all. Particularly, your local climate defines how many days per year, you will be able to use your pool. The less time you use your swimming pool, the more difficult it is to pay off the installation.

Price of an inground pool

Actually, for most homeowners, three months of swimming per year is more than enough. Remember that keeping it open the whole year involves additional chemicals and higher maintenance costs.

Among other things, you should consider real estate values. An inground pool is a regular feature on your property. Although it always enhances the value of your home, how much it enhances depends on the place of your residence. Moreover, it can affect your ability to sell your property. In warm areas of the US, for instance, a pool is a real “must-have” for any residence. But in the north, it can definitely make it more difficult to sell.

Cost of an inground swimming pool

Below is a state-by-state review of pool ownership – involving price, weather, and the rest of the factors that might affect your decision to construct an inground pool. We hope that this article will show you where to begin.

StateBathing seasonAverage annual precipitationLabor expenses
AlabamaLong121 (Mobile)Low
AlaskaShort115 (Anchorage)Low
ArizonaLong36 (Phoenix)Average
CaliforniaLong35 (Los Angeles)High
ColoradoMedium89 (Denver)Average
ConnecticutShort127 (Hartford)Very High
FloridaYear-Round131 (Miami)Low
GeorgiaLong115 (Atlanta)Average
IllinoisMedium125 (Chicago)High
IndianaMedium126 (Indianapolis)High
IowaMedium108 (Des Moines)Average
KansasMedium86 (Wichita)Average
KentuckyLong124 (Louisville)Average
LouisianaLong114 (New Orleans)Low
MaineShort129 (Portland)Average
MinnesotaShort116 (Minneapolis/St. Paul)High
MarylandMedium114 (Baltimore)Average
MassachusettsMedium126 (Boston)Very High
MichiganShort135 (Detroit)High
MissouriMedium112 (Columbia)High
MontanaShort95 (Helena)High
NebraskaMedium93 (Lincoln)Very Low
New HampshireShort127 (Concord)High
NevadaVery Long26 (Las Vegas)Very High
North CarolinaLong111 (Charlotte)Average
North DakotaShort101 (Fargo)Average
OhioMedium137 (Columbus)High
OklahomaLong83 (Oklahoma City)Low
OregonShort152 (Portland)High
TexasLong79 (Dallas/Ft. Worth)Low
VirginiaMedium113 (Richmond)Low
WisconsinShort125 (Milwaukee)High

Average cost of an inground swimming pool

Bathing season: An approximate estimation of how many days per year are warm enough to swim. Of course, the pool owner’s individual preferences will eventually define when to open and close the pool.

The average number of days of precipitation: Medial number of days of precipitation annually based on NOAA data for a specific location. Of course, in bigger states, such as Texas or California, the weather will vary significantly depending on the place.

Cost of labor: Cost of labor in relation to the national average.

Wondering what’s the price of an inground pool is actually like asking how much the house costs. There’s no clear answer. The cost of an inground pool depends on lots of different factors, such as size, material, extras, etc… Make sure to choose the type of pool that’s perfect for you.


