Pool pumps. If you’re a fortunate possessor of the private pool, you certainly know that the water must constantly circulate inside it. Dirty and chlorinated water must be pumped out, while the clear one must be injected. These functions are performed by special pumps, constantly supplying water to the pools.
Before buying the pool pump you should acquaint yourself with their kinds, as there are different models of these devices for different shapes and sizes of the pool bowls. The can also serve different purposes.
There are several kinds of pool pumps: suction pumps; circulation pumps with normal suction; filter pump; water heating pumps.
The suction pumps are intended for self-maintained water filtration. They are mostly completed with the filtration equipment, as the both device must be produced by the same manufacturer. The circulation pumps with normal suction are used as the aids for the basic pumps.
They have simpler structure and accomplish the task of local character: it performs the water circulation in the certain place of the pool, creates fountains and bubbles, and enriches the water with nitrogen, draws and lets out some of its quantity.
The filter pumps are good for the pools of the temporary use (both inflatable and frame ones). It usually comes with the pools by buying. It represents both pump and filter, releasing the water from pollution.
The water heating pumps are useful for those who want to prolong the swimming season until late autumn. This device is equipped with the special block, plunging into the reservoir and heating the water inside it. The water heating pumps serve up to 20 years and more, so they’re very comfortable. Such pool pumps ensure the stable operation of the swimming-pools.