Artificial water reservoir is a perfect complement to any cottage garden-plot. It is so good to go out of the house in hot summer and plunge into the clean refreshing water! But the building of swimming-pool is very expensive. To reduce the final cost of construction, you can build the pool yourself. How to build an inground pool.
In-Ground Swimming Pool
The simplest and the most popular kind of artificial water reservoir is the inground pool. It is mounted on the specially prepared area and doesn’t require the digging of foundation pit. Before the installation, the area must be deepened by 20 cm (here you should arrange the special cushion).
Then, install the polypropylene reservoir upon it. Supply it with the service lines and connect all the necessary equipment. The stiffening ribs along the outer wall of the pool provide the additional firmness of construction.
The inground swimming-pool has some undeniable advantages. The first one is the price reduction of its cost and the reduction of complexity (as there is no need in digging of foundation pit).
There are many more reasons for the building of inground swimming-pool. For example:hard rocky ground, unsuitable relief, small children and pets, which can get into the digged (or half-digged) pool, the general floor plan of the house, etc.
Usually, it is children’s pool 105-144 cm deep; the most suitable building material for this kind of pool is wood. Such pool can be mounted and dismounted, moved to the other place and installed there. How to build an inground pool.